tisdag 11 november 2008

Something Awful on Heroes s03e08

Eronarn posted:
Why is everyone in the past such a jerk?

Derised posted:
they just exploded out of a train.


sex offendin link posted:
this whole "you must be loyal to the company" thing would be a lot easier if they wouldn't constantly let people find out how they've been betrayed

Klungar posted:
Smallville is now more coherent and better written than Heroes. Smallville.

kalensc posted:
As for why Peter never exhibited super strength, control over electronics, or the ability to locate anyone worldwide... It's a mystery

Stonefish posted:
Also, Peter might be able to speak to electronics under the right circumstances, but he couldn't come up with one iota of intelligent conversation. The diodes would ignore him until he went away.

Nåväl, nu har de iaf sparkat en producent och en manusförfattare så kanske man kan se Heroes ta sig om det blir en till säsong. fast det är väl ingen överhängande risk att Heroes plockas upp för en fjärde säsong tänker jag.

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