fredag 6 februari 2009

Heroes s03e14

classtoise posted:
Claire, did you really need to whore yourself up to visit your biological grandmother?

Mah Pokeymans posted:
I traded $20 for a baby seemed fair at the time

Superabound posted:
Oh I get it, white guys get to be Senators and businessmen, but the Indian with a freakin PhD has to drive a cab for a living.

Superabound posted:
I was wondering if someone had a chart explaining all of this show's shifting loyalties but then i realized i could make one myself by randomly scribbling on a piece of paper.

Jingleheimer posted:
Hugs! Peter's greatest weakness.

Superabound posted:
Hey remember the New Orleans chick whose power was she could learn shit by having seen it before? Too bad Peter never absorbed THAT SHIT.

Raditts posted:

Raditts posted:
And this is where Lost and Heroes combine to create the ultimate clusterfuck TV show.

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