Bigopinion posted:
I actually plan my wardrobe around low-key, "quiet" clothes that don't belie too much about my character so that I can be sort of a mystery. This way people that know me know who I am as a person, not who I am as an outfit, and the people that don't know me will never be able to tell anything about me.
This sort of Sun Tzu Art of War clothing theory has been key to my multiple successes, so it must work.
måndag 29 december 2008
söndag 28 december 2008
Something Awful on glasses

Timo posted:
I know a girl who I've never seen wear glasses. I went over her house the other day and she was wearing glasses while doing a crossword puzzle. I asked if she had contacts before or she just started to need glasses. She laughed and said the glasses were fake. She just wore them because she felt smarter when she had them on.
She had to wear fake glasses to feel smart to do a People magazine crossword puzzle.
The other white meat

SquareDog posted:
Just think, it took years for that muscle to grow and in the end the animal was butchered and we laugh at his meat because it looks like a penis. I'd be like if you got in a car crash, your guts got ripped out and when everything settled your intestines spelled out "gay" in cursive.
lördag 27 december 2008
tyckte det var en bra film.
sean penn
james franco
emile hirsch
längden på filmen
övergångarna mellan arkivmaterial och inspelat material
tyckte mindre om:
när filmen blev disneyprdouktion
för lite brudar och dragqueens
när sean penn slutade bögläspa under den andra tredjedelen av filmen
torsdag 25 december 2008
Something Awful on "reasons to break up"

knifefish posted:
don't date a girl who owns a horse.
Sandbox posted:
Haha, why is this?
I might be Adam posted:
Just don't. You will never come close to being as important as that horse is. Friend of mine dated a girl who owned a horse and couldn't be more disgusted at how high that animal came on her priority list. Apparently she would get depressed, start crying and talk about how she wanted to go see her horse. Some sick bond between a girl and her horse I guess.
CPTInsane0 posted:
That's always funny, because horses are assholes
Meiers Goldbrick posted:
In my experience, most girls that grew up with horse riding lessons or family owned a horse had instability in the mental department. I say most as there always exceptions.
Thunderspanks posted:
Interestingly enough, I dated a girl for 18 months who was a champion competitive horse rider and she was one of the sweetest and most stable girls I've ever known.
Theory destroyed
onsdag 24 december 2008
Something Awful on eye contact
Quadreb posted:
First off, don't stare unless you're trying to intimidate someone. Blink at a normal rate by not thinking about it, but if you find yourself blinking too much stare for a little bit to stop that. A good blink rate is every 4-10 seconds.
Remember to use appropriate facial expressions to convey emotion (you may need to fake it but be careful as many people can detect this). Nodding your head is good, but keep the movement slight, and of course use it only when they are talking. If you start to think you're nodding too much, it's fine to look them in the eye with no head movement, but see below regarding looking away.
Your eyes shouldn't wander from theirs when you're looking at them (like looking at their chin or similar). Look away occasionally though, but not all the time or you'll look evasive. A good time to look away is shortly after the other person does, indicating they've reached the limit of their comfort level. When you look away, don't look down or up, just keep your head level and make the look smoothly and quickly. You shouldn't look away for more than a few seconds, and you should nod your head while looking away.
Remember to maintain proper posture. Head up and shoulders back, especially while walking and talking. A proper bearing brings respect. Don't tense up too much - you may need to do some stretches and some weightlifting to develop a good posture while loose though.
Small verbal cues are important. "Oh yeah?", "Ah", "OK", "Sure", etc. Slip them in to indicate attentiveness, but use sparingly (~8 per minute at most).
First off, don't stare unless you're trying to intimidate someone. Blink at a normal rate by not thinking about it, but if you find yourself blinking too much stare for a little bit to stop that. A good blink rate is every 4-10 seconds.
Remember to use appropriate facial expressions to convey emotion (you may need to fake it but be careful as many people can detect this). Nodding your head is good, but keep the movement slight, and of course use it only when they are talking. If you start to think you're nodding too much, it's fine to look them in the eye with no head movement, but see below regarding looking away.
Your eyes shouldn't wander from theirs when you're looking at them (like looking at their chin or similar). Look away occasionally though, but not all the time or you'll look evasive. A good time to look away is shortly after the other person does, indicating they've reached the limit of their comfort level. When you look away, don't look down or up, just keep your head level and make the look smoothly and quickly. You shouldn't look away for more than a few seconds, and you should nod your head while looking away.
Remember to maintain proper posture. Head up and shoulders back, especially while walking and talking. A proper bearing brings respect. Don't tense up too much - you may need to do some stretches and some weightlifting to develop a good posture while loose though.
Small verbal cues are important. "Oh yeah?", "Ah", "OK", "Sure", etc. Slip them in to indicate attentiveness, but use sparingly (~8 per minute at most).
måndag 22 december 2008
Big Love
Efterlängtade Big Love återkommer den 18 januari och ingen kan vara lyckligare! jag förstår dock inte varför Big Love har så långa pauser mellan säsongerna. Herregud, Harry Dean Stanton är kanske 250 år gammal, HBO borde förstå att de måste smida medans järnet fortfarande är levande, mannen kommer ju kola när som helst. kolla på honom liksom, om han inte dör snart kommer hans öron växa till gigantiska proportioner och han kommer höra precis allting som händer i hela världen och ryssarna kommer sno honom och sätta honom i ett litet rum där han tvingas lyssna på statshemligheter och avslöja vem som vinner i förinspelade dokusåpor!
Iaf. Längtar så himla mycket, älskar Big Love, älskar frugorna och älskar compoundtjejerna med sina flätor och klänningar. Typ skulle inte ha något emot att bli helt FLDS om jag fick lägga Harry Dean Stanton och vara helt flätig. Haha.
pushing daisies finalavsnitt
alltså ok, man hade ju väntat på det under hela serien, men blev aningens wtf-moment i slutet där.
måste ändå säga att sorgen är inte överdrivet stor. pushing daisies var bra, men det nådde aldrig samma höga nivå som wonderfalls eller dead like me. känslosträngarna var liksom alltid väldigt ospända och det blev aldrig riktigt mer än en matineföreställning för mig. tryggt och underhållande liksom.
måste ändå säga att sorgen är inte överdrivet stor. pushing daisies var bra, men det nådde aldrig samma höga nivå som wonderfalls eller dead like me. känslosträngarna var liksom alltid väldigt ospända och det blev aldrig riktigt mer än en matineföreställning för mig. tryggt och underhållande liksom.
Something Awful on "Hide your shame"
LTCrowley posted:
- Cough when you're farting. Try to fart while walking by a group of people.
- Carry toilet paper/tissues if you're going jogging along a route that has no public toilets.
- Be prepared to sacrifice a sock/item of underwear if you're stuck in a public toilet without wipes.
- Huge quivering blood engorged erection pulsating and throbbing like a cheap special effect? If sitting down is not an option, you can employ the superbad belt flick or hold a jacket/bag etc infront of your bulge. Depending on the len-duration of the event you could always tie your shoe,bend over and fuss with something on your shoe etc.
Once I had one that was pretty impressive but no way of hiding it so I just stuffed my hand down my pants and acted like I had this enormous erection. I got lucky, as a friend of mine started dirty dancing on me, so that worked ok. Yeah. Obviously I was fourteen at the time.
- Wet your pants? Spill a drink on yourself immediately. This works the same way if you realise you have some other body fluid showing somewhere. Match colours, if you can.
- Snot filled palm? Wipe it into your pocket.
Diversion is always the key to getting away with this stuff in public. I consider myself somewhat of an improvised hygiene ninja.
- Cough when you're farting. Try to fart while walking by a group of people.
- Carry toilet paper/tissues if you're going jogging along a route that has no public toilets.
- Be prepared to sacrifice a sock/item of underwear if you're stuck in a public toilet without wipes.
- Huge quivering blood engorged erection pulsating and throbbing like a cheap special effect? If sitting down is not an option, you can employ the superbad belt flick or hold a jacket/bag etc infront of your bulge. Depending on the len-duration of the event you could always tie your shoe,bend over and fuss with something on your shoe etc.
Once I had one that was pretty impressive but no way of hiding it so I just stuffed my hand down my pants and acted like I had this enormous erection. I got lucky, as a friend of mine started dirty dancing on me, so that worked ok. Yeah. Obviously I was fourteen at the time.
- Wet your pants? Spill a drink on yourself immediately. This works the same way if you realise you have some other body fluid showing somewhere. Match colours, if you can.
- Snot filled palm? Wipe it into your pocket.
Diversion is always the key to getting away with this stuff in public. I consider myself somewhat of an improvised hygiene ninja.
söndag 21 december 2008

Paranoid Park
My Own Private Idaho
Last Days
(Jag räknar inte med Good Will Hunting)
Snart hoppas jag att jag ska få se Milk så ska vi se hur listan ändras.
Är lite peppad på att klippa ihop en långfilm av enbart landskaps- och molnsekvenserna i Gus Van Sant's filmer. Bara för att liksom.
torsdag 18 december 2008
vonbaron posted:
this is how I dress, and I suspect it is similar for most goons:
I have one drawer full of shirts, one drawer full of sweatshirts, and one drawer full of pants. Clean clothes are always put in the bottom of the drawer. When I wake up, I open the drawers and take out the topmost article of clothing from each. That way my clothing cycles evenly and I wear each article of clothing with the same frequency.
Also you might think I would end up wearing garish, clownlike costumes, but that problem is solved by only owning jeans, khakis, and black or earth tone shirts.
Absolute minimal effort and I think I look presentable.
this is how I dress, and I suspect it is similar for most goons:
I have one drawer full of shirts, one drawer full of sweatshirts, and one drawer full of pants. Clean clothes are always put in the bottom of the drawer. When I wake up, I open the drawers and take out the topmost article of clothing from each. That way my clothing cycles evenly and I wear each article of clothing with the same frequency.
Also you might think I would end up wearing garish, clownlike costumes, but that problem is solved by only owning jeans, khakis, and black or earth tone shirts.
Absolute minimal effort and I think I look presentable.
onsdag 17 december 2008
Dexter, Säsongsavslutningen
alltså jag har bara en grej att säga
Dexter realises the power of compassion *mjukis* and uses communication and empathy instead of hunting knifes and saws.
"I've been there"
"I can relate"
skärpning Dexter. nästa säsong better be bättre.
Dexter realises the power of compassion *mjukis* and uses communication and empathy instead of hunting knifes and saws.
"I've been there"
"I can relate"
skärpning Dexter. nästa säsong better be bättre.
tisdag 16 december 2008
Something Awful on Heroes S03E13
The Dark One posted:
Kill Nathan, Peter. DO IT NOW!
Funk posted:
Since when did Sylar become The Joker?
Not in a Charleston posted:
ClairexSylar spanking fanfiction in 3... 2...
AtraMors posted:
oh cool ando is an amp, i need to put him in my car
Deranged hermit posted:
What would happen if Fire Bitch and Ice Bitch met?
IShallRiseAgain posted:
Please tell me they didn't just outrun an explosion. They just fucking outrun an explosion.
EllenPageReactor posted:
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
The Dark One posted:
Now where have we heard of the government rounding upmutants powered people?
Parlett316 posted:
So I guess Obama's first Presidential act is the Superhuman Registration Act of 2009.
Kill Nathan, Peter. DO IT NOW!
Funk posted:
Since when did Sylar become The Joker?
Not in a Charleston posted:
ClairexSylar spanking fanfiction in 3... 2...
AtraMors posted:
oh cool ando is an amp, i need to put him in my car
Deranged hermit posted:
What would happen if Fire Bitch and Ice Bitch met?
IShallRiseAgain posted:
Please tell me they didn't just outrun an explosion. They just fucking outrun an explosion.
EllenPageReactor posted:
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
The Dark One posted:
Now where have we heard of the government rounding up
Parlett316 posted:
So I guess Obama's first Presidential act is the Superhuman Registration Act of 2009.
my own private idaho
Angående My Own Private Idaho kändes det som om den verkligen hade mått bra av en rejäl nedklippning. Gus Van Sant gör en massa tokerier och försöker stundtals vara sådär nyskapande och experimentell. Han vill liksom allt och hamnar i tre helt olika sorters filmer, en bra, en dålig och en sämre. Den bra delen är såklart den som påminner om senare Gus Van Sant-rullar, stillsamt filmfoto, känslofylld men sparsamt användande av dialog och med naturen som en emotionell spegel för rollkaraktärerna. Den dåliga delen, den som strävar efter att vara en nyskapande tolkning av Shakespeares King Henry har högtravande töntdialog som får Keanu att låta som om han är tagen direkt ur Bill & Ted. Det påminner om den där kackiga Romeo och Juliette-produktionen med Leonardo Di Caprio eller Shakespeare In Love med hon den där brittiska donnan. Liksom neeeej, det håller inte. Handlingen blir bara en fånig sörja av tafflighet.
Så den sämre delen som är de 'fejkade' stillbilds-scenerna när karaktärerna har sex. Det är absolut ingen bra lösning för att undkomma den heliga kameraåkningen över bröst och svettiga kroppar. Det blir liksom bara forcerat och bryter flowet i filmen något så fruktansvärt.
Men iaf, det som är bra är bra, men inte lika bra som Gerry. Nu ska jag kolla på Drugstore Cowboy.
snygga bögar med,
snygga kläder i MOPI,
älskar river phoenix
måndag 15 december 2008
torsdag 11 december 2008
General Bullshit - "Why are girls always cold?"

synthy posted:
Girls are always cold. What the fuck?? I'm not
Sheep Goats posted:
Women are smaller then men. Smaller critters lose more of their body heat (percentage wise over time) to an environment that's colder than they are than larger creatures. This is why animals in the arctic are much larger than animals in the tropics -- the smallest animals you're likely to find are penguins, and they're basically three inches of fat and feathers with a tiny bird in the middle.
variousfoodproducts posted:
well if they were in the kitchen were they belonged we wouldn't have this problem.
onsdag 10 december 2008
Freaks och Geeks
tisdag 9 december 2008
Pushing Daisies läggs ner

ok, så sorgens dag. Fuller har själv gått ut med sorgligaste beskedet nu i dagarna och det verkar inte finnas något hopp om att ABC skulle ta sitt förnuft till fånga. Pushing stryker på foten efter enbart två korta säsonger, 22 avsnitt allt som allt. folk gråter och undrar vart det finns plats för serier som inte handlar om glammiga tjejer i stan eller töntar som löser mord.
så tack så jävla mycket till alla Heroes fanboys därute som sitter och gnuggar händerna i förtjusning framför sina blodsoffer-altare och bara mässar "Fuller back to Heroes" om och om igen. Tack till er och ABC som pajja en jävligt bra serie för att låta skrothögen till kristen biologism - private practice återvända för ännu en sunkig säsong! KTHNX.
såklart slutar den här säsongen med en cliffhanger och Fuller gör som sin kompis Joss dvs när ABC/FOX/WB sviker, go to DC comics och gör sista säsongen i serieformat.
Something Awful on Heroes S03E12
JustV posted:
Sylar the sociopath is back. It's been too long.
EDIT: and by too long I mean three episodes since his last mood swing.
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
What with Sylar's constant flip-flopping, I'm starting to suspect that every time the Petrelli boys access their powers, they're also activating what I like to call their Inner 'Tard.
404GoonNotFound posted:
Come on sweet time paradox, wipe all the stupidity away...
Aww Cute Kitty! posted:
Recursive posted:
I thought everybody knew this.
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
Claire is 1/4 Petrelli. That means she's also 1/4 tard.
Sylar the sociopath is back. It's been too long.
EDIT: and by too long I mean three episodes since his last mood swing.
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
What with Sylar's constant flip-flopping, I'm starting to suspect that every time the Petrelli boys access their powers, they're also activating what I like to call their Inner 'Tard.
404GoonNotFound posted:
Come on sweet time paradox, wipe all the stupidity away...
Aww Cute Kitty! posted:
Recursive posted:
I thought everybody knew this.
MonkeysWithGuns posted:
Claire is 1/4 Petrelli. That means she's also 1/4 tard.
Plattformskrig på högsta nivå

"Yesterday the Philadelphia City Paper ignited a controversy over the question, with a blog entry that included the innocuous detail that the President-elect was working out while listening to the Microsoft (not Apple!) music player.
But today a spokesman puts the vicious rumor to rest. “Not true, the President-elect uses an iPod,” he says. And the Philadelphia writer, Neal Santos, blogs today: “It could belong to one of the many Secret Service dudes that were at the gym, Michelle, or even one of his daughters.”
That hasn’t stopped the merriment within the community — and yes, there is one — of Zune users, who are drastically outnumbered by iPod fans.
“For now we’re claiming the president-elect one of our own,” writes Adam Krebs on Zune Thoughts. On the site’s forums, Alber1690 writes “I was a staunch Hillary supporter, but this is awesome! I’m excited for the future of this country.”
The Apple crowd isn’t as psyched. “You can’t run an election claiming you own an iPod and garnering people’s votes then after you win suddenly start toting around a Zune. That’s just not cool,” writes James Poling.
“The news today that Obama is apparently a Zune user disapoints me. I wouldn’t mind trying one, but I wanted him to be an iPod President,” Twittered Scott Thatcher. (Most Tweets mentioning the Zune today are in reference to ZuneGate.)"
två saker som jag älskar med det här.
1. att folk bryr sig. Det finns viktigare saker man vill veta om presidentens preferenser, tex om han föredrar ps3 eller wii.
2. “You can’t run an election claiming you own an iPod and garnering people’s votes then after you win suddenly start toting around a Zune. That’s just not cool,”
måndag 8 december 2008
Battlestar Dallas
2010 har Sci-Fi channel byggt klart på sin nya storsatsning inom Battlestar Galactica-franschisen. Serien heter Caprica och såhär står det om vad vi kan vänta oss:
Set 50 years before "Battlestar Galactica," "Caprica" follows two rival families -- the Graystones and the Adamas -- as they grow, compete, and thrive in the vibrant world of the 12 Colonies, a society recognizably close to our own. Enmeshed in the burgeoning technology of artificial intelligence and robotics that will eventually lead to the creation of the Cylons, the two houses go toe-to-toe blending action with corporate conspiracy and sexual politics. "Caprica" will deliver all of the passion, intrigue, political backbiting and family conflict in television’s first science fiction family saga. As the series begins, a startling development is about to occur -- the creation of the first cybernetic life-form node or "Cylon" -- the ability to marry artificial intelligence with mechanical bodies. Joseph Adama (Morales) -- father of future "Battlestar" commander William Adama (Najafi) -- a renowned civil liberties lawyer, becomes an opponent of the experiments undertaken by the Graystones (Stoltz), owners of a large computer corporation that is spearheading the development of these living robots: the Cylons.
Alltså, de tydliga kopplingarna till Ewings vs Barnes och hela såpagenren i allmänhet, jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska tänka. Jag är inte direkt ett jättestort fan av Deep Space Babylon 5-serier. När skaparna dessutom claimar att Caprica ska vara ""Not as dark as 'Battlestar'" blir jag ju lite fundersam. Jag vill ju helst att de ska säga "Even darker!"
Set 50 years before "Battlestar Galactica," "Caprica" follows two rival families -- the Graystones and the Adamas -- as they grow, compete, and thrive in the vibrant world of the 12 Colonies, a society recognizably close to our own. Enmeshed in the burgeoning technology of artificial intelligence and robotics that will eventually lead to the creation of the Cylons, the two houses go toe-to-toe blending action with corporate conspiracy and sexual politics. "Caprica" will deliver all of the passion, intrigue, political backbiting and family conflict in television’s first science fiction family saga. As the series begins, a startling development is about to occur -- the creation of the first cybernetic life-form node or "Cylon" -- the ability to marry artificial intelligence with mechanical bodies. Joseph Adama (Morales) -- father of future "Battlestar" commander William Adama (Najafi) -- a renowned civil liberties lawyer, becomes an opponent of the experiments undertaken by the Graystones (Stoltz), owners of a large computer corporation that is spearheading the development of these living robots: the Cylons.
Alltså, de tydliga kopplingarna till Ewings vs Barnes och hela såpagenren i allmänhet, jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska tänka. Jag är inte direkt ett jättestort fan av Deep Space Babylon 5-serier. När skaparna dessutom claimar att Caprica ska vara ""Not as dark as 'Battlestar'" blir jag ju lite fundersam. Jag vill ju helst att de ska säga "Even darker!"
onsdag 3 december 2008
Look around you!
gillar "look around you" en skön brittisk komediserie som spoofar utbildningsfilmerna man fick se i skolan. typ så himla skoj. kolla här vettja.
tisdag 2 december 2008
Something Awful on Heroes S03E11
Asnorban posted:
Oh god, another week another shitty Jeph Loeb comic plug. This time Hiro just HAD to buy Ultimatum. Fuck you Jeph Loeb.
Heather Papps posted:
Man does any one ever need any real evidence ever to convince Sylar of anything?
Deranged Hermit posted:
Hiro: teleporting this show to a time that didn't suck.
Whip Slagcheek posted:
Seriously, Sylar? You had to kill off Elle? YOU ALREADY HAD HER POWER! Stop the senseless killing of eye candy.
Alexandr posted:
Man, this show fucking HATES women. Eden, Candice, Nikki, Elle? If not for the fact that Claire keeps coming back after getting killed, the show might not have any hot chicks left on it.
Oh god, another week another shitty Jeph Loeb comic plug. This time Hiro just HAD to buy Ultimatum. Fuck you Jeph Loeb.
Heather Papps posted:
Man does any one ever need any real evidence ever to convince Sylar of anything?
Deranged Hermit posted:
Hiro: teleporting this show to a time that didn't suck.
Whip Slagcheek posted:
Seriously, Sylar? You had to kill off Elle? YOU ALREADY HAD HER POWER! Stop the senseless killing of eye candy.
Alexandr posted:
Man, this show fucking HATES women. Eden, Candice, Nikki, Elle? If not for the fact that Claire keeps coming back after getting killed, the show might not have any hot chicks left on it.
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