tisdag 2 december 2008

Something Awful on Heroes S03E11

Asnorban posted:
Oh god, another week another shitty Jeph Loeb comic plug. This time Hiro just HAD to buy Ultimatum. Fuck you Jeph Loeb.

Heather Papps posted:
Man does any one ever need any real evidence ever to convince Sylar of anything?

Deranged Hermit posted:
Hiro: teleporting this show to a time that didn't suck.

Whip Slagcheek posted:
Seriously, Sylar? You had to kill off Elle? YOU ALREADY HAD HER POWER! Stop the senseless killing of eye candy.

Alexandr posted:
Man, this show fucking HATES women. Eden, Candice, Nikki, Elle? If not for the fact that Claire keeps coming back after getting killed, the show might not have any hot chicks left on it.

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