onsdag 5 november 2008

Obamas victory has a direct link to Star Trek

1. Star Trek premiers in 1966, the fantasy of a socialist dreamer with ideas of race equality and enlightened human thinking.

2. The franchise continues with Star Trek: Voyager 30 years later.

3. In 2000, the show gains non-fan publicity with the addition of actress Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine, aka the show's token beautiful ratings-gathering character.)

4. In 2004, Illinois holds its Senate election. The Republican Party puts forth Jack Ryan against the Democratic Candidate, Barack Obama. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illino...#Obama_vs._Ryan

4. For the first 3 months, it is fairly close, with Ryan trailing behind slightly due to unethical party behavior allegations.

5. The Chicago Tribune unearths divorce records between Jack Ryan and Jeri Ryan. Specifically, how he forced her to perform public acts at sex clubs.

7. Combined with her star status and the sensationalist nature of the story, the media takes off with it and it becomes national news--especially on the internet, as she was the Star Trek icon. Some of you may remember GBS and DND having a field day with it.

8. The polls plummet. Jack Ryan resigns in disgrace, and the party hastily puts up Keyes as a replacement.

9. Barack Obama sweeps into the senate seat over the now completely disorganized republican party.

10. And then, 4 years later...

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