söndag 14 september 2008

Ski Free

"Once the player has completed his or her run, the game does not abruptly end. Rather, the player continues skiing until he or she encounters an "abominable snow monster[3]" (an obvious play on the abonimable snow man) who chases and attempts to eat the skier. From that point on, the player can ski until the monster catches them.

The monster appears at the 2000m mark and pursues the player downhill at high speed. Further down the hill (20–30 m) another monster also gives chase, but uphill. An angled route while playing in "fast" mode avoids both of them, but afterwards the distance starts counting down from −2000 m. The world loops around on itself, and everything outside the boundary of the piste triggers the monster. However, if the player returns within the invisible border, the monster stops. It is possible to escape the Snow Monster by traveling another 2000 m from the point which the monster gives chase, creating a loop and starting over from the beginning.

Other snow monsters appear when the player travels 125m upwards from the beginning or 500m to the left or right."

är så glad att någon har listat ut hur man ska komma undan!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

gud, du förstår inte hur glad jag blev att läsa det här!

nico sa...

kanske lika glad som jag! älskade ski free när jag var liten! önskar att det fanns till min dator nu med.

masha sa...

hahaha ÅH, den gamla goingen!!!