söndag 14 september 2008

Something Awful.com on Fringe


Oglethorpe posted:
I found the stationary 3d text a bit innovative cause I haven't seen it before. I especially like the IRAQ transition where they show the upward shot with part of the Q.

The_Doctor posted:
One of the mysteries will be giant floating sky letters. Calling it now.

Mangler103 posted:
This trend of floating text as part of the scene is kind of annoying. Heroes does it too, and I thought it was annoying there. Did they just find the technology to do this, and they're just masturbating with it?

Mangler 103 posted:
And now we see the REVERSE SIDE of the text from below! What the fuck! I was impressed with how this was shot, but now I'm just annoyed.



-X- posted:
I'm waiting for someone to bump their head on some of those big fucking letters.


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